In the early 1960s, the combination of traditional African-American music with Latin beats exploded onto the scene and was adopted by such artists as Joe Cuba, Johnny Colón, Ray Barreto, and The Lebron Brothers, who helped to popularize the exciting genre.
The Lebron Brothers were unmistakable due to their interpretive style, which they demonstrated on the album “Salsa y control.” On this production they faithfully captured the vibe of the people on the street, reaffirming the power of their music with contagious, danceable beats.
The influence and popularity of The Lebron Brothers has challenged the stereotype of what is commercially acceptable on the radio. Some of the hits that earned the most airplay were “Bongo loco,” “Regresa a mi,” and “Sabor típico.
The Lebron Brothers were comprised of Angel, José, Carlos, Frankie, and Pablo, all of whom were known for their originality and innovation, which earned them a diverse audience who identified with and loved their music.